
Webcasting is a means of telecasting media - specifically live shows over the Internet. The signals transmitted are conveyed stepwise from the source to the encrypter which in turn directs information to the server which is then made available to viewers.


The source for webcasts can be any audio-video file in the form of video tapes, video cameras or telephonic/satellite signal. The data from the source is conveyed to the encrypter.


The encrypter comprises of specialized software that transforms the signals from the source into a format capable of being broadcasted over the Internet. The encrypted signals are directed to the server.


It is the server which makes networking possible (inter and intranet). The server is provided with software which enables several users to access the information/audio-video files.


Users can easily view the webcasts if they have an Internet connection and their computer is supported with suitable software. There are a wide range of softwares which can be used to play video files from the Internet. Some of them are
  • Windows Media Player: Which was created by Microsoft is endowed with the latest technology and has several development software packages.
  • Macromedia Flash Player: Which was created by Adobe systems. This application is used to display games and movies created using the same software.
  • Quick Time Player: Which was designed by Apple Systems. It is used to open and play over a dozen file formats (inclusive of sound, text, animations and video) and create slide shows.
  • Real Time Player: Which was brought to the market by Real Networks is used to display, organize and access audio-video files.
  • Shoutcast: Which is an audio-video streaming program helps set your own radio station on a server and play live broadcasts.
  • Icecast: Which is yet another program is designed to display files from the Internet.

Unique Features Of Webcasting

  • Webcasting is economically-viable as it saves travel and boarding expenses by providing information at your desktop. It yields fast returns upon investment in corporate firms. Productivity rate is high which makes webcasting a very good business venture.
  • Obviously webcasting is also time-saving as it shortens distances by delivering signals across continents. It facilitates participators to interact from their own locations.
  • Webcasting offers long-term benefits by archiving live broadcasts which could be played on demand by anyone across borders on any given day in the future. This incurs profits not only on the day of the event but even long after that.
  • Webcasting extends first hand information as its sources are primary ones which in turn avoid uncertainties in conveyance of signals. Hence authenticity of information is preserved.